Before heading to Las Cruces for the
last few weeks of the semester, we spent a couple days at the small research
station of Las Alturas, which is located on a privately owned farm near Panama.
It was a complete 180 degree change from the atmosphere and pace of life in San
Jose: the forest was right outside our window, we went without electricity for
most of the day, and the people lived closely and shared produce from the local
community gardens.

Although in my personal opinion, this
method of cattle-raising and dairy production truly is better than the many highly
mechanized and confined versions we have in the States, this served as a good
reminder to me, especially as I think about my return to the United States.
There are many things about Costa Rica that remind me of or are very similar to
the United States, but obviously there are also staggering differences in
culture, family and social interactions, food, health systems, and day-to-day
lifestyles. During my time here it was very easy for me to see a difference
between the two and automatically write-off one as ‘better’ and one as ‘worse’,
or one as ‘good’ and one as ‘bad’. This is generally human nature, but as I
transition back to my routine in the US I want to think more critically about the
differences I saw in order to make conscientious changes to my life back home.
For example, it’s very easy for me to become frustrated by how much money we
spend on healthcare in the US with how many people still lack access to care,
especially when I compare it to the universal system in Costa Rica. But once
again, there are advantages and disadvantages to each, and I believe this
process of examining both sides will provide the longest-lasting impact in my
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